today was my first day in a new school. I never new it, but it would be the worst place I have ever seen. while I was walking to the new school, I had some thoughts trying to scare me like, what if every one laughs at me, or what if all the teachers were strict. when I got to the school it was black with red stripes all around, broken windows and six stories high, it looked like a haunted mansion.Walking up to the school, I noticed noone was their no one was out side, I opened the door, it had a lot of people in side, they were all wearing cheery colors. feeling a bit out of place because I was the only one wearing a black sweater, a black shirt, black jeans, black... every thing else, and I was the only person with long hair. the building on the inside was also pure black, so you could barely see me... which in my opinion is a good thing.
"Hey, You" said a big sour burly voice " I've never seen you here before" I turned around it was some 15 year old... I think he was a Satanist. He wore a black sweater with a pentagram on it and blue jeans, " I see your also the dark type." he said " my names Kale." then I replied " don't let my clothes fool you I'm actually a christian, I just don't like color very much." Kale just stared at me blankly then ran away. " that was weird." I thought then I heard a bell ring but I didn't know which class to go to. So I asked around to see where the office was. It was on the sixth floor. hurriedly I ran up as fast as I could then I saw a dark figure and things went black.
When I woke up I was tied to a wall arms up in a twisted position and my chest was all bloody.
around the room all a saw were a lot of black bricks for the wall and a whip which I'm assuming is how my chest got bloody. I saw the figure again it was a man wearing a pure black robe, he was pacing but it did not look like he was walking nor were there any sound of foot steps. " so your the christian boy I've heard so little about, but I would like to hear more" his voice was haunting and echoing in my mind, it was as if the devil himself was speaking to me. then he said "Did you know there is no room left in hell for savage souls." I thought for a moment, how would he know that's just creepy. " but hell has a surprise for earth... an epidemic with no cure maybe some natural immunities in humans, but. no cure" I yelled "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" " I will show you he went over to the left wall and clapped twice the wall opened to reveal a glass panel there were people in there screaming for help " release the gas." quickly a green gas came out of the walls inside and the people suffocated and collapsed. I tried to look away but there was a chain around my neck preventing me from doing so. " i will leave you hear for a few hours and you'll see what happens to there corpses." he said. then I yelled " Who are you" "you can refer to me as death."
After 15 hours the corpses started moving. twitching, screeching, and coughing, one of them got up it had pale skin bloody white eyes and yellow nails and horribly creepy yellow teeth with bloody gums. They were moaning, screeching and trying to break the glass. Scared, I screamed till my entire head wanted to explode. the man came back then said " Do you like them." "what are those things." I replied " They are minions of hell, they feed off the flesh of the living, they feel no pain, they are hell itself." "Your crazy. " I yelled " in seven days I will release them to bring hell on earth, I will set you free, you can prepare yourself... but don't say a word." All went black. When I woke up I was at home " it was all a dream heh heh" I started laughing I went down stairs and looked at a calender. It was Saturday. the voice echoed in my head "seven days." seven days later I went out side, no one was there. I heard moaning, and screaching I looked beside me there it was. The same face as in the dungeon... death.