Wednesday, May 5, 2010

just desert

There was a woman that lived in the middle of the forest in a cottage, because her father died and she tried to get away from it all. so then she moved away and built the cottage. after she built the cottage she planted a garden she had all the food you could ever imagine.

after 1month she grew a pumpkin patch and decided she wanted to make some pumpkin pie for dessert. she went outside to get a pumpkin, when she found one she liked she picked it up ( it was very warm).
When she went inside it seemed to glow, she drew a knife and lowered it to the pumpkin, she fell in a trance and saw her dead father.

He said the only way to free his spirit from the pumpkin was to cut it in half. when she cut it in half their was a bright light. her fathers spirit rose and exploded into a big flash of light. when she finally made the pie. it was the best pie she ever had.


  1. um i dont no how to respond i guess like 2.5...(how many times can u say pumkin in one paragraph

  2. A little short for a story... and you need to edit your work because you have barely any capitals or proper punctiation. So I'll give you a 2/5 for ideas.
